Conditions for using the pages of the Alves Bandeira Group*:
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The information contained in these pages is not exhaustive and, despite our best efforts, may be inaccurate, incomplete or not applicable to the circumstances of a particular case. Accordingly, we cannot accept any liability whatsoever for inaccurate information or omissions from this site and any decisions taken by you based on information contained in this site are your sole responsibility.
The information contained on this site does not in any way constitute an offer of contractual terms. We are, of course, at your disposal to discuss the supply conditions for your particular case.
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All contents and downloads of this page are property of the Alves Bandeira Group.
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Alves Bandeira Group is not responsible for the content of third party sites, including those through which you have accessed our site or those which you may access through our site.
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The legislation on protection of user rights applies to these pages. You may copy the content of these pages while viewing them, or print it out in part or in whole for your own personal use. All other use is strictly prohibited
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*Pages of the Alves Bandeira Group:
- www.grupoalvesbandeira.pt
- www.alvesbandeira.pt
- www.petroiberica.pt
- www.alvesbandeiratyres.pt
- www.ablubs.pt
- www.abpower.com
- www.abchemicalsolutions.com
- www.equipband.pt
- www.civiberica.pt
- www.waresoft.pt
- www.segurb.pt